
Digital Literacy Qualifications


For the workforce today, it is essential to have digital know-how in whatever role you undertake.

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With the demand for digitally literate employees, all adults regardless of age or ability can now access fully funded qualifications. If you feel left behind, looking to update your IT skills, or are thinking of making a career change, taking a recognised BCS qualification is a great way to update your skills and give yourself a head start in the jobs market.

Why take one of our courses?


For those with little or no digital skills, learn how to use technology for work safely, gain new skills and build your confidence to be able to work effectively in a digital age of work.


Boost your chances in the job market by achieving a recognised qualification, that proves your knowledge and digital competence to current and prospective employers.


Through our progression route of learning you can aspire to a better career and secure your place in the changing digital workplace.


You are digitally safe in our hands.

Early Bird Offer

Enroll in a course before the start date and enjoy a discount of up to 25% on the tuition fee

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